...in 1999,
Manuel Castells
What did you say? "Globalization" !
UNO has conducted a worldwide survey including the following question : "Please, let us know your opinion about the lack of food in the rest of the world?" This survey has been a failure, since : - in Africa, nobody knew what was "food" ; - in Western Europe, nobody knew what was "lack" ; - in Eastern Europe, everybody had forgotten what is the meaning of "please" ; - in South America, nobody had learnt what is an "opinion" ; - in United States, nobody knew what is "the rest of the world". A "story" related by Ivan A. Alexandre, in Diapason, May 2001.
Christians and Globalization
What is the position of Christians in this debate?
"Les chrétiens et la mondialisation"
Globalization and Its discontents
To day, globalization, it is not working... Joseph Stiglitz has been recruited, in 1993, by the President Clinton as a member of the Council of Economic Advisers. We pretend to help developing countries while we force them to open their markets to the products of insdustrialized nations, which themselves continue to protect their own markets. Such politics are making rich people still richer, and poor people still poorer, and more angry.
LONDON Amnesty International denounces the "In more than 80 countries, the per capita income in 2000 Amnesty International (AI) "Globalization has resulted an enrichment of a minority and a decline and despair for the majority"(...) Amnesty endeavours from now on to act more directly in favour of economic, social and cultural rights. Its objectives are no more limited to the defense of the only civil and political rights, but concern the whole fundamental human rights (...) It is impossible for the governments to clear themselves of responsibility in front of the globalization. They can and must look at the welfare of workers. The Secretary General of Amnesty, Pierre Sané (Senegal) "Amnesty International, 40 ans d'affiches pour la liberté"
Created by many famous artists such as Bilal, Picasso, Cartier-Bresson, Miro, Topor, Plantu or Botero, these black and white or color posters decline the "disaster of humanity" (Bilal). Edited at the occasion of a campaign against "disappearances" and political murders, a photograph of an apple-tree, full of flowers in the middle of a nice prairie, highlights that "this charming place of paradise is the ideal location for dissimulating a mass grave". |
"All men are born free ... and with equal rights".