Ando, Tadao

Badinter, Robert

Beurdeley, Cécile

Boecklin, Arnold

Bawa, Geoffrey

Bourdelle, Antoine

Cader, Muhanned

Cameron, Julia Margaret

Camus, Albert

Cézanne, Paul

Chitrasena and Vajira

Dimitri, Olga

Dissanayake, S.

Estève, Maurice

Fernando, Winitha

Giacometti, Alberto

Gunatillake, Kingsley

Handagama, Ashoka

Hugo, Victor

Jayasundara, Vimukthi

Keyt, George

Khemadasa, Premasiri

La Fontaine, Jean de

Lahor, Jean

Maire, André

Malraux, André

Matisse, Henri

Merton, Thomas


Nair, Meera

Ondaatje, Michael

Palliyaguruge, Thilak

Perera, Anoli

Picasso, Pablo

Pieris, Lester


Ransonnet, Eugene de

Ratnayake, Bennet

Ratnayake, Pradeep

Rodin, Auguste

Saint-Exupéry, A. de

Segalen, Victor

Semage, Jayasiri

Sieff, Jeanloup

Silva, Jayamini de

Vithanage, Bandula

Vithanage, Prasanna

Wendt, Lionel

Wijewardene, Anoma

The Mystique of Sigiriya
Whispers of the Mirror Wall
by W.J.M.Lokubandara
Godage International publisher, 2008 ISBN: 9789553006103
It is not often recognized that ‘some of the most astonishing documents in the ancient world are the Sigiri graffiti (Prof. Senake Bandaranayake)
Tovil - Exorcism & healing rites
by Bruce Kapferer, Georges Papigny
Viator Publications (Pvt) Ltd, Negombo, 2005 ISBN: 955-8736-06-6
Réunion des Musées Nationaux
October 2005
ISBN 2711849821
Gérard Rondeau has been photographing museums and temporary exhibitions for 15 years, particularly those in Paris and at the Galeries Nationales. The photos reflect not only artistic works, visitors and buildings, but also the secret and meticulous behind-the-scenes activities which accompany the display of great works of art, examining the contrast between separated,
institutionalised and grandiose art and the bustling life that surrounds it.
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Center for Art and Culture
Pics Prasanna Upajeewa
(00)94 81 2315544 / 2315545
------------------------------------------------------------THEATRE / ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DE KANDY
Mark Amerasinghe’s eleventh monodrama
‘Look Back in Love’
According to Grecian legend, Orpheus, that celebrated musician of Thrace, followed his recently dead wife, Eurydice, to the other world and obtained her release on one strict condition. He must not turn back, to take even a fleeting glimpse of his beloved, until they were both safely home. Unfortunately, Orpheus did look back and he lost Eurydice for evermore.
On 23 September at 6.30 pm, in the Alliance Francaise de Kandy, Mark Amerasinghe presents, a monodrama - an adaptation of his translation of Jean Cocteau’s original script of the black and white French film Orphée (screened in 1950) .
In Cocteau’s modern version ,while the young lovers finally rejoin each other to live happily ever after in this world, Orpheus is a celebrated poet,[some Greek sources consider Orpheus both the leading poet and musician of his time] hated by the avant-garde and feminists of the day; and Other World characters, not mentioned in the original legend, are introduced...
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Focus on India
ISBN-10: 2840507021.
Très riches et très diverses, l'architecture, la sculpture et la peinture de l'Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est offrent aussi une indéniable unité : elles véhiculent les valeurs et les significations liées au bouddhisme et au brahmanisme, nés tous deux en Inde.
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Cette présentation de l'art indien est divisée en deux grandes parties, la première consacrée à l'Inde, à Sri Lanka et au Népal, la seconde à l'Asie du Sud-Est, où les thèmes et les formes élaborées en Inde ont donné lieu à partir du VIe siècle environ à des développements spécifiques. Le livre suit une progression chronologique, depuis les premières oeuvres d'art apparues dans les sites de l'Indus (2 300-1 750 env. av. J.-C.), jusqu'à la période contemporaine et retrace les grandes étapes de l'histoire de l'art en Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est. Accompagné de nombreuses illustrations, d 'un index et d'un glossaire, il permet au lecteur de s'initier à l'une des grandes civilisations du monde, encore vivante aujourd'hui.
Paris / Centre Pompidou
Paris - Delhi - Bombay..., an exhibition that invites to discover the modern Indian society through the eyes of Indian and French artists, with the ambition to generate exchanges and to create lasting links between the two cultures, the two artistic scenes.
Paris / Musée Guimet
As part of its spring-summer 2011 Indian Season the Musée Guimet is presenting “Chimeras of India and the West”, an exhibition of contemporary work by the Indian-born American artist Rina Banerjee. Installed at the heart of the permanent collections, Banerjee’s hybrid, poetic compositions enter into resonant interplay with the works held by the museum, which date back hundreds and thousands of years, offering a new angle on Asian civilisations and their complex relations with the West.
Fascinating Orient
The Genius of the Orient, modern Europe and the arts of Islam
CENTRE DE LA VIEILLE CHARITE From 27 May to 28 August 2011
Orientalism in Europe
From Delacroix to Matisse
Dictionnaire des langues
Conçu pour témoigner de la diversité des langues du monde, ce dictionnaire présente près de 200 langues, familles ou sous-familles de langues, regroupées géographiquement par continent.
Il résulte de la collaboration de 151 auteurs, universitaires ou chercheurs, français ou étrangers. La majorité des langues décrites sont issues d une recherche de première main, réalisée par des auteurs, pionniers ou premiers descripteurs de la langue qu'ils traitent.
Edited by Alain Peyraube
Presses Universitaires de France - PUF (17 November 2010)
Collection : Quadrige
Language: French
ISBN-10: 9782130569145
ISBN-13: 978-2130569145
ASIN: 2130569145
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Beyond the Canon
by Braj B. Kachru
Hong Kong University Press
The Asian region comprises the largest English-knowing population in the world: the estimated users of English in India and China alone comprise over 533 million people. This book provides crucial reading for students and researchers of world Englishes in the Asian context. It is an insightful and provocative study of the users and uses of English in Asia, its acculturation, nativization and innovative dimension of Asian creativity. It contextualizes a variety of theoretical, applied and ideological issues with refreshing interpretations and re-evaluations.
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The issues are specifically addressed to Asia but have relevance to all English-using students and researchers. The book also includes an extensive bibliography representing pedagogical, theoretical and historical resources. This volume can be used as a text or a resource book for graduate and undergraduate courses in English studies, Asian Englishes, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, critical linguistics, post-colonial studies and ELT.
It was in a spirit of brotherhood that the Bengali Nobelist Rabindranath Tagore, upon arriving at the port of Jakarta in 1927, remarked, "I see India everywhere, but I do not recognize it." In this light, an Inner Circle anglophone in Asia who says "I see English everywhere, but I do not recognize it" should not be presumed arrogant.
Martin Schell (Asia Times - Jan 28, 2006)
Author(s) : Clémence Lafarge, Zaü
Publisher : Le Baron Perché
"Au huitième jour, Perle et sa famille arrivèrent tard sur la plage, car la nuit, il y avait eu beaucoup de vent. Ils avaient commencé une partie de cache-cache et s'amusaient énormément quand une énorme vague, venue de très loin, arriva en grondant. Elle se recourba et roula sur le sable, avec fracas, brisant et emportant tout sur son passage. C'était comme un gros soufflet qui en un instant pulvérisait tout."
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Orient - Occident
Hespèrion XXI
Dir: Jordi Savall
Reference : AVSA9848 - 7619986398488
A dialogue of souls...
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romesh gunesekera the match
March 20, 2006
Publisher: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 0747578583
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As a teenager from Sri Lanka, Sunny liked to play cricket.
But, none of his new friends in Manila were remotely interested. That is until the gorgeous Tina arrived with her impeccable timing. The year was 1971, a year for an extraordinary match.
Three decades on, Sunny is now settled in London with a teenage son of his own.
But, despite the quiet comfort of his life, he feels unmoored. Trying to reconnect with his past,
he goes to watch the visiting Sri Lankan cricket team play at the Oval.
As the sun goes down at the end of the match, he discovers that love, like cricket, is more than just a game. He sees one last chance to get his life into focus, if only there is time. From the acclaimed author of "Reef" and "Heaven's Edge", "The Match" is a moving, funny family story of finding home and coming home, of cricket, growing up and falling in love.
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Récits du dernier siècle des voyages
De Victor Segalen à Nicolas Bouvier
Even if the "travel literature" retains a good position in the field of research as well as in the heart of many readers,
the XXth Century's writtings are not really the object of criticism by scholars. Nevertheless, this century has been enriched by many prestigious writters : Pierre Loti, Victor Segalen, Paul Morand, André Gide, Joseph Kessel, Blaise Cendrars, Michel Leiris, Henri Michaux, Raymond Roussel, Valery Larbaud, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michel Butor, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, Jacques Lacarrière, Jacques Réda, Nicolas Bouvier, etc.
Olivier Hambursin
Presses Université Paris-Sorbonne
May 2005
Collection Imago Mundi, number 10
ISBN 2840503565
Victor Segalen  
Our page "Voyageurs"  
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Tales of Kalila and Dimna: Classic Fables from India
About the Book New renderings of classic Indian folk epics from the 2000-year-old Fables of Bidpai. These timeless, charming, and humorous tales have survived through the centuries and have resurfaced in most of our popular moral fables. These tales have received the highest praise from authors of some of the world's finest literature. The tales of Kalila and Dimna from the Fables of Bidpai originated almost 2000 years ago in a Sanskrit collection of animal stories called the Panchatantra. These charming and humorous stories have found their way in one form or another into the folklore of every major culture and tradition. They have influenced all our fables from Aesop to La Fontaine, including Uncle Remus, The Arabian Nights, and The Canterbury Tales.
Publisher: Inner Traditions International (Mar 2000)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0892818166
ISBN-13: 978-0892818167
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Our page "Jean de La Fontaine"  
L'Inde et le monde contemporain Histoire des relations internationales de 1947 à nos jours
Michel Pousse
Year : 2009
Publisher : L'harmattan
ISBN : 2296073352
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Une histoire de l'Inde Les Indiens face à leur passé
Éric-Paul Meyer Professor and Vice-Président de l'Inalco
Année : 2007
Editeur : Albin Michel
ISBN : 2226173099
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Théâtre de l'Inde ancienne
The discovery of the Indian Theatre, in the 1780s, originates from the obstination and the chance of a British,
William Jones, who was convinced, in spite of the denegations of Brahmins and scholars, of the existence of chronicles about the history of the country.
It was only informed about the existence of "collections of conversations", without giving more details.
But one day, a Brahman accepted to give to him one of these "dialogues" - in reality, a play and an immense chef-d'oeuvre : Sakuntala. Immediately, William Jones translated this play into English with a considerable and lasting impact in Europe.
Date of issue : 03/2006
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"Et Siddharta devint Bouddha"
Jayasena Jayakody
Translation in French from Sinhalese by Venerable Mandawala Pannawansa Thera
Publisher: Editions Prajna - collection "Lignée" (08/2005)
Jayasena Jayakody's "Amavessa", the popular novel based on the life of the Gautama Buddha has been translated into the French language.
And also
Viragaya ou le non-attachement
Martin Wickramasinghe
Translation in French from Sinhalese by Venerable Mandawala Pannawansa Thera
Editions L'Harmattan
ISBN : 273843486X
Our page Books  
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Pub.: Weidenfeld & Nicolson August 25, 2005
ISBN: 0297847449
"The time has come for global philosophy to move beyond the model where the West is at the centre of radiating spokes of comparison".
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Buddhism and Sexuality  |
The Red Thread Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality
Bernard Faure
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691059977
In this study, Bernard Faure reveals Buddhism's paradoxical attitudes toward sexuality.
Our page Books  
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Publisher: Pan MacMillan (April 30, 2005)
ISBN: 033043554X
Set against the brilliantly drawn backdrop of India at the turn of the millennium, The Alchemy of Desire tells the story of a young couple, penniless but gloriously in love.
This is a major novel by one of the most significant new voices of his generation.
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"Swimming in the Monsoon Sea"
Shyam Selvadurai
Tundra Books (September 13, 2005)
ISBN: 0887767354
Shyam Selvadurai's brilliant novels, "Funny Boy and "Cinnamon Gardens, have garnered him international acclaim. In this, his first young adult novel, he explores first love with clarity, humor,
and compassion.
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Bama Faustina Lakshmi Holmstrom (Translator)
February 2005 Publisher: OUP India ISBN : 0195670884
Sangati is a book about a community's identity, and ends on a personal note: that Paraiya women are always the most vulnerable, even when educated, independent, and living alone, like Bama herself.
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Madras on Rainy Days
Samina Ali
Publisher: Piatkus Books
ISBN : 0749935677
Set against the backdrop of the ancient walled city of Hyderabad and mounting Hin- du-Muslim tensions, "Madras on rainy days" lyrically evokes the complexities of life behind the chador. It is a gorgeously written novel by an original new voice in international fiction.
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